Thank you to everyone who attended our Speakers Series webinars for 2024. Building on our successful webinars in 2023, OMSSA brings in guest speakers to discuss topics and issues you want to hear more about in the human services sectors. These webinars will be hosted by the Association.
OMSSA hosts webinars that cover the three sectors within human services: Children's Services, Employment and Income, and Housing and Homelessness. We look forward to hosting Speakers Series webinars in 2025. We hope you will be able to attend these webinars as we announce them.
There is no cost to attend this webinar, but registration is required. Please click on the registration link associated with each webinar to complete the process. Please note: Speakers and sessions are subject to change. Members who have questions can contact OMSSA at
Thank you for your interest in our Institute on Municipal Finance & Governance Report: The Municipal Role in Child Care Speakers Series webinar on October 9, 2024.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, OMSSA will postpone this upcoming session until the new year. We will reach out to inform you of a new date when it is finalized.
In May 2024, the Institute on Municipal Finance & Governance at the University of Toronto released a report called "The Municipal Role in Child Care." This report is comprised of four key sections, each with separate authors outlining their vision for municipally-led child care. This session will bring together some of these authors to provide an overview of their analyses and an update on their work since the report was published. Their presentations will each focus on what they see as strengths and opportunities here in Ontario, including the unique role of municipal service system managers.
Drawing on the report, the speakers will provide analyses of international examples that Ontario can learn from, how different levels of government can better coordinate on implementing the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care program, the advantages of municipally operated child care and its effects on staffing, and the municipal role in planning and building equitable and accessible child care. Additionally, the session will look at the future of municipally-led child care in Ontario, and will consider ways to move forward in light of the release of the province's new funding formula and the possibility of for-profit expansion in the system.
This session will be of interest to all members and partners working in municipal and not-for-profit child care, child care policy analysts, city planners, and more.
Moderator: Sonali Chakraborti, Manager of Programs and Research, Institute on Municipal Finance & Governance, University of Toronto
Dr. Gordon Cleveland
Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics Department of Management, University of Toronto Scarborough, Member, National Advisory Council on Early Learning and Child Care
Dr. Gordon Cleveland is an economist and researcher in the field of early childhood education. In 2017-18 he was the main author of Affordable for All: Making Licensed Child Care Affordable in Ontario, a comprehensive report to the Ontario Ministry of Education. Currently, he is a member of the National Advisory Council on Early Learning and Child Care, providing advice to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.
Sue Colley
Co-Founder and Chair, Building Blocks for Child Care
Sue Colley, VP Cleveland Consulting: Early Learning and Child Care, has been a recognized leader and innovator in the development of co-op housing for seniors, in the health sector, and in the field of early learning and child care over the last 40 years. She brings people together and leads them to find solutions. She was a founder of Action Day Care and first Executive Director of the Ontario Child Care Coalition. She has played an important role in major studies of child care policy and programs for the University of Toronto, the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario. Sue is currently the Secretary-Treasurer of Rise Up Feminist Digital Archive (, a digital archive of feminist activism in Canada from the 1970s to the 1990s. She has an M.B.A. from Edinburgh Business School.
Most recently, Sue has taken on the role as President and Chair of the Board of Building Blocks for Child Care (B2C2) B2C2 is a community resource that assists not-for-profit child care and community organizations in Ontario prepare to expand by providing advice and support in all phases of the project.
Carolyn Ferns
Public Policy and Government Relations Coordinator, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
Carolyn Ferns is Public Policy Coordinator at the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care. Carolyn worked for over ten years at the Childcare Resource and Research Unit, where she co-authored the Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada series. Carolyn has a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Early Childhood Studies. She is a member of the Board of Directors of both Child Care Now and the Childcare Resource and Research Unit.
Martha Friendly
Executive Director, Childcare Resource and Research Unit
Martha Friendly has been a leading member of the Canadian child care movement for 40 years, championing an equitable child care system for all. Born in New York City and raised in its suburbs, she immigrated to Canada in 1971. A social science researcher by education, she began working on early childhood education and child care research in the 1960s.
Becoming part of grassroots childcare activism in Toronto in the 1970s firmly cemented her belief that access to quality child care is central to women’s equality. In the 1980s, Martha founded the Childcare Resource and Research Unit at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Urban and Community Studies as a policy research group with a mandate to bring about a universal child care system — a role that the now-independent non-profit organization continues to play.
Martha is the author of numerous popular and academic articles, reports, chapters and two books on child care policy. She is the recipient of many awards, including an honorary doctorate from Trent University, a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, inclusion in Women & Gender Equality’s (WAGE Canada) Women of Impact Gallery and the Broadbent Institute’s Charles Taylor Prize for Excellence in Policy Research (2021).
Carley Holt
Principal Planner, City of Edmonton
A Look Ahead at Maytree's Annual Welfare in Canada Report (July 17, 2024)
Session Description and Resources
The annual Welfare in Canada report enumerates and examines the total welfare incomes of example households receiving social assistance in a given year and details some key features of social assistance programs, in all 13 provincial and territorial jurisdictions in Canada. As the only publicly available resource that compiles and analyses this data, Welfare in Canada is the primary source for evaluating Canada’s progress on fulfilling the human right to an adequate standard of living for households receiving social assistance.
Welfare in Canada was established by the Caledon Institute of Social Policy in 2012 to maintain and build on longitudinal data previously published by the National Council of Welfare in its Welfare Incomes reports. In 2018, Maytree assumed responsibility for updating the series and has added additional data and analysis over time.
Please note: the Welfare in Canada report is expected to be released at the end of July. This webinar offers a preview of the upcoming report.
Please see our invited speakers and presenters.
Resources and Recording:
A Review of Homelessness Encampments Across Canada (February 29, 2024)
Session Description and Resources
Canada’s Federal Housing Advocate is a unique human rights accountability mechanism established to advance the right to adequate housing in Canada and monitor the National Housing Strategy. Located within the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Advocate works to amplify the voices of people experiencing inadequate housing and homelessness and hold governments to account on their human rights obligations. In this session, we will introduce the right to housing and the Advocate’s mandate. The Session will include a brief overview of the Advocate’s mandate and discuss the Advocate’s final report and recommendations resulting from her national review of encampments, which has been be released on February 13, 2024.
Please see our invited speakers and presenters.
Implementing CWELCC in Ontario (July 13, 2023)
Session Description and Resources
This webinar will explore the current implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care Program (CWELCC). Attendees will hear our guest speakers share their insights on the implementation of CWELCC in Ontario. Please see our invited speakers and presenters.
Member Housing and Homelessness Initiatives Discussion (August 18, 2023)
This session will bring together OMSSA Members to discuss the initiatives they've designed to address the current challenges in housing and homelessness. We'll hear from a spectrum of Members on, but not limited to, the following issues:
Please see our invited speakers and presenters.
Continuing the Local Municipal Champion Conversation (August 24, 2023)
Building on our conversation at OMSSA's 2023 Exchange Conference, four of this year's Local Municipal Champion award recipients will tell the story of the programs that were developed for their communities, with particular emphasis on the successes they have seen and the challenges they have overcome. They will also answer the many questions attendees had as part of the discussion.
Please see our invited speakers and presenters.